Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Can I retire yet??

So this blog was suppose to be alll about Teen Mom / 16 and Pregnant but I don't have all of my facts ready. I hope you are all ready for a pretty good (well thought out) rant :)

North Carolina..I have been here for one month and 7 days. Its pretty boring, I'm not gonna lie. Other than the friends that I live with...wait...there is no other than. Its really hard meeting new people while working from home. I'm sure ill figure it out.

So I am having a crisis with my dog..he has the worst separation anxiety that I have ever seen and nothing is working...I have tried everything I can think of and have read online and still...he barks like a mad man when I leave. This of course is driving the roomies crazy (totally understandable). Aside from barking, he never leaves my side. I walk into the bathroom and he sits at the door until I come out...I go into the kitchen/living room/ bedroom, he goes into the kitchen/ living room/ bedroom..I am out of ideas. Any suggestions?

This weekend we had a Superbowl party...Pats lost therefore the party was a bust ;) End of topic.

So today I work I got a written warning for not following a proper procedure...Now, this is just an idea but wouldn't you say that at least explaining to me what I did wrong before writing me up would be the best way to go?? Never once was I told I did something incorrectly...I did it only one time...and I got written up. Aside from this issue they also decided to include my attendance "issues" on the warning as well...now I did get a verbal warning in November...You might ask, "Amy, have you missed any time since you got the verbal warning?" Well, the answer here is no. I have not missed a single day since November..hm. My only thoughts are that my review is coming up...If I don't get my full raise due to this, I will understand the full meaning as to why I was written up. Hopefully this doesn't get me fired :)

www.bodyc.com Is my new favorite store down here!! Check it out.

BIGGEST LOSER UPDATE----I didn't lose any weight the last 2 weeks but I did lose 4.5 inches!! At least its something!!


  1. Oh man... our dog had the worst separation anxiety when Erick moved to CA before me. She was ok when he left just a little depressed but once I sent her to him, all hell broke lose. She would bark like crazy, scratched up the door and window sill trying to get out of the house when he would leave for work, and also shredded the curtains on all of the windows. The craziest thing that happened was she jumped out of a window through the screen over some really tall bushes and terrorized all of the runners that went by. We tried dog tranquilizers they didn't work, so unfortunately we had to resort to spanking her:(.

  2. Yeah, Ive had to as well. I tried a bark coller(not a shock one) and it worked for about 2 weeks...I try wearing shoes around the house so he doesnt get excited when i put them on...but still if i get my purse he freaks out and im not about to start carring my purse around with me everywhere. lol
