Saturday, January 28, 2012

No talk of men for 24 hours

I have been in North Carolina for a month now. I was suppose to have  date last night...however, he decided to cancel last minute. No biggie. I got 2 new pairs of shoes instead :) Who needs a man when you ca just get new shoes? I was talking to my aunt this afternoon..asked her that same question and her response was, "I guess that's why my shoe collection isn't as big as I would like, since Ive been married for 25 years" So new up my shoe collection, to what I can consider to be enough shoes...then settle down. All on my terms of course. Ha. So Chrissy and I have decided unless we are talking about Pauly D, there will be no talk of men for 24 hours. NC is not treating us well in the man department. Better luck next time, I say.

Shoes Chrissy bought me:

Shoes I bought for myself:

I'm in love <3

I woke up this morning to Chrissy telling me we are going to Raleigh...We had to go to get her new phone at Apple....Let me tell you..we called ahead of time an made an appointment and SILL stood around waiting for some help for OVER and hour. I couldn't believe it. However, I did find out that I am getting an iPhone 3G for free sooo I will be entering the world of Apple.

We got home around 4:30, to find I had a package, which contained none other than the Brazil Butt Lift!! It feels like Christmas :) I did one 35 minute workout this afternoon and thought I was gonna pass out!! I took all my measurements which I will not be sharing with the public any time soon. Maybe once I reach my weight loss goal.

Thank you Helen, ( For suggesting Unfortunately, there is a waiting list so as soon as I am accepted and get my first monthly shipment I will be sure to share. They send you a box of 4-5 cosmetic samples for $10.00 a month. Perfect!

I am currently on a search for a new silver sparkly make-up bag. Any and all suggestions are welcome!


  1. I love your background!

    Forever 21 has sparkle makeup bags but they're pink, so I googled, and voila!

  2. Nice! I love the monogrammed one!! Ty
